This was a meditation for Monday, August 15, 2011 

Meditation for the Day
"Where two or three are banded together, I will be there in the midst of them." When God finds two or three people in union, who only want His will to be done, who want only to serve Him, He has a plan that can be revealed to them. The grace of God can come to people who are together in one place with one accord. A union like this is miracle-working. God is able to use such people. Only good can come through such consecrated people, brought together in unified groups for a single purpose and of a single mind.

this disobedient bird reminds me of a little girl I know!!!!! last summer this little chickadee kept jumping out of his nest...Bryan would patiently put him back in ...only to find him back in the grass minutes later...soon Momma bird coaxed the baby into our neighbors back yard where SHE could complete her job of ....getting the BIRD outta the NEST!:) we were simply making her job difficult! :) step back and make sure you are not making someones job difficult today! think "outside the nest" haha!
As we are in the last week of visits for adoption we ready ourselves for a NEW SEASON in parenting! We accept the challenge. We will cry, laugh, shake our heads and press on. We will tap out when we are exhausted and tap back in to fight the good fight.
Ready for a fun ride! Well step right in to The Niles Family Amusement park! :) Admission is FREE...and there is NO Cotton Candy! :)
mad love and God Bless ya'll,


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