Be part of the cure...not part of the disease

probably borrowed from an AA email...written around September 2011.
Meditation for the Day
Spiritual progress is the law of your being.
Try to see around you more and more of beauty and truth, knowledge and power.
Today try to be stronger, braver, more loving as a result of what you did yesterday.
This law of spiritual progress gives meaning and purpose to your life.
Always expect better things ahead.
You can accomplish much good through the strength of God's spirit in you.
Never be too discouraged.
The world is sure to get better, in spite of setbacks of war, hate, and greed.
Be part of the cure of the world's ills, rather than part of the disease.

Daily we can do this...minute by minute YOU can be part of the's so easy to fall back into worldly ways...gossip, stinkin' thinkin' , cruel comments...just stop yourself. even if you get half that bad word outta your mouth...just StOp...push reset and carry on! :)
have a blessed day!

the handbird turns bad...much to Cora's delight!


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