His Promises...

A while ago I asked my friends on Facebook to give me a go to scripture. I was weary, burdened, my heart hurt and my emotions were so very low. Over 25 friends took time to respond and in no particular order I am meditating on the scriptures that they shared and also praying for them at the same time. 

So first will you join me and pray for my friend Melissa . Lord today we lift Melissa up to you. I ask that you keep her sweet family safe and that their life be filled with love and laughter. I praise you for Melissa hearing that small still voice and offering me me a  scripture from you  Lord in my time of need.  I thank you for her faithfulness and prayers. Amen.

 OK, so Melissa suggested Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will hold you with my righteous right hand.  Isaiah 41:10
Journal Entry 4/18/15

* Do not fear...when you do not hear the heartbeat in an ultrasound
* I am with you ... as you lay on the table wondering why me again Lord?
* I will strengthen  you and help you... when you fall to your knees in grief
* I will hold you... when you want to go to sleep and never wake up

I did not remember his promises when I had to return from that ultrasound empty handed, no picture of a baby being in my womb.

 I did not remember his promises when I had to return to that office and sit amongst a dozen happy women with swollen bellies.

 I could not hear his still small voice as I lay on the examination table listening to the thump, thump, thump of a healthy baby heartbeat in the next exam room and the laughter of the happy parents of that baby.

I did not remember his promises as I went to the hospital to have a mass removed that had caused not one but two miscarriages.

But then I woke up in mid march and picked up my Bible, I reached out to others.

I remembered this promise: I will not leave you nor forsake you. That is God's promise.
WE forget HIS promises. BUT He NEVER forgets US. 

He was IN that ultrasound room.

He held me on that exam table.

He softened my heart to mourn the loss of another child.

He kept me alive when I did not want to live.

He holds my babies IN HEAVEN, and I will meet them and spend eternity with them.



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