Rested, Delivered and Saved

A while ago I asked my friends on Facebook to give me a go to scripture. I was weary, burdened, my heart hurt and my emotions were so very low. Over 25 friends took time to respond and in no particular order I am meditating on the scriptures that they shared and also praying for them at the same time. 

So first will you join me and pray for my friend Marti . Lord today we lift Marti up to you. I ask that you keep her safe and that her life be filled with love and laughter. I praise you for Marti hearing that small still voice and offering me not one but two scriptures from our  Lord in my time of need.  I thank you for her faithfulness and prayers. Amen.

 OK, so Marti suggested Psalm 118:6-8

The Lord protects the simple hearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. 
Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. 
For you, O Lord, have delivered my soul from death, my eyes from tears, my feet from stumbling...

Now for the Tracy breakdown and with a little help from my good old 1985 Webster's dictionary here we go...

simple hearted: unsophisticated in nature, sincere

saved: rescued, to help, kept from danger

delivered: set free, transfer, hand over

rest- refreshment, peace of mind, emotional calm, tranquility

God has been protecting me my entire life. No only does he protect the simple hearted but in MY case, the simple minded. He really has saved me in many scrapes and tough situations. I have been rescued by him from people who have wished to harm me. He has saved me from the danger I put myself in when drinking. He helped me help myself when I could not grasp sobriety.

 With the loss of my Dad and the miscarriage of two babies; I had to set free the anger and resentment that I harbored towards God and others for the losses I had experienced.

 I had to transfer and hand over to God the daughter who refuses to accept our family. I then had to pray as everyone said  to me: "Just REST" in the Lord. When I was finally able to truly LET IT ALL GO to God I felt genuine refreshment.

 It took time away on retreat by myself and even short DAILY retreats to gain some peace of mind as well as the emotional calm & tranquility that I so badly needed and desired.

 It took time. It came. He delivered. 



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