Bulldogs, Guinea Pigs and Courage

Notes from the Madhouse:
A year ago in March we were blessed to adopt an English Bulldog from the local Animal Shelter. When he arrived he was 37 pounds.

With Love, Patience and Time he grew...and became a part of the family! He is now a year older and 67 pounds.

Silas does this pose A LOT!
 We recently adopted a Guinea Pig named Flossy. Here is Silas checking out his new neighbor! He has never ever ever! lifted his front paws off the ground for anything!

But really...this is where I was going. When I came to Christ. I was skin and bones. I had haunted eyes and a rough exterior. (see Silas' before picture) . God has made me a New Creation. Just like Silas looks as though he never spend a night on the street, never starved and NEVER had cigarette burns on places you don't want to know! We did for Silas what God has done for me! I live for his Word and his Love.
Silas lives for naps and food and Guinea Pig Kabobs! And belly scratches and little girl hugs!

Bryan and I have decided to adopt... and while we are in the process of learning of children that are available I hear a lot from people (boy I hear  a LOT) ....they say: why would you let an emotionally disturbed child in your home. Why would you adopt an abused child? Why add stress to your life? or the best yet: oh. My friends did that ...they NEVER got one. I will post more on how many children are waiting in Va ...WAITING . for a home. seriously. do NOT get me started.

after months of thinking...and I thought a lot! Here is what God has shown me. Look at Silas. We loved him back to life. We provided medical care, food, shelter and a family. For our next family member it will be the same! Medical Care, Food, Shelter, a space to call their own and we open our arms to be their family if they choose to accept it. God did that for Bryan and I. So in turn. We WILL do that for others. I watched a fantastic movie that I checked out at the library, it's called: Gifted Hands The Ben Carson Story. I urge you to view it! Awesome story about a Mother's love, a man's faith and how learning can give you the power to change lives! Amazing story!

now: on Courage...as a Mother, my instinct is to protect my children at all times. The other night I tested Cora on her motherly instincts. She had Flossy in her lap ( just like in the picture above) ...and Silas was sitting WAY to close for my comfort. So I shooed Silas off and ask Cora this question: What would YOU do if Silas jumped on you to get Flossy. Without batting one pretty little eyelash she said: SCREAM and let the guinea pig go! Classic. well. she has a long time before she will be birthing my grandchildren...so we can work on it! :)
Our small group just wrapped up a study on Courageous...the movie. Good stuff by the way! There is a scene I can share without spoiling the whole movie and here goes: While getting gas for his truck a man walks away from the truck and YEP. you guessed it. A carjacker steps in and takes the truck. Without Blinking (think Cora) The man who owns the truck gives chase! ON FOOT. he jumps up grabs the steering wheel through the open window and stops the carjacker! you know why? His Baby was in the back seat!!!!

We posed the question at group: Would you have run after the truck or called 911. I immediately said Run after the truck and punch that guy while holding the steering wheel. Many thought I was crazy. So I will pose a softer version...would you put your foot up to block a 67 pound drooling missile from eating your pet guinea pig? or would you scream and let go?

Christ Died for our Sins. I will choose Courage each time.

have a great day! and go check out that movie! :) Gifted Hands!
Women Living Well


  1. LOVE love love it!!! GREAT post! Thanks so much for sharing!

  2. Still trying to post a comment.... will see if it works this time!! xox, Mom

    1. Mom. I just love you for trying! :) haha!

  3. Tracy I think you are a woman of courage, passion, perseverance and full of Gods grace! You have the hope that we can only find in Christ! Shout it from the rooftops girl! I think adoption is great as we can see in your story of how you adopted a dog from a shelter and loved and nurtured it back to health but when we mention of doing this for a human child others shun.......

    1. Pastor Debbie. thanks for your awesome input! I am so Glad that you and VCC are part of our family!

  4. I sooo look forward to more! You, and your family are a blessing! And your wonderful sense of humor, coupled with your original way of thinking / seeing the world (would that be paradigm?) are what spreads that blessing to all. Thank you, for finally listening to those oh, so wise people, and start this blog!

  5. Thanks M.A. :) I am glad you "get" my way of seeing the world! :)

  6. Jenna, thank you so much! :) It came from the heart and I believe that those thoughts and feelings come from Quiet time with God! have a super day!


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