African Orphans, Hampton Roads Hungry and Adoption

Hello to my chickie-la-las....I stole this from my friend. She calls her chickens by name and the ones that she can't tell apart well....she calls them chickie-la-las. I love it!
This post comes straight from the heart!
I would love to ask you to listen.. or shall I say read about some causes close to my heart!

Just recently I met a woman on Facebook named Tammy Jenkins. I will give you a link so you can read "her" story. Tammy's facebook "about" page This lady is a modern day hero. She lives in Malawi. On Mother's Day I started an event to donate to her. She is currently pursuing her 5013C status...but Needs must be met NOW! I will give you the link on how to donate. Heaven House Ministries Fundraiser page The exchange rate of money is making a $100 dollar us donation = 160 in their money! I urge you to think of dropping a latte or happy meal today and instead. Donate $5 to Tammy's mission. The picture to the left is just some of Tammy's Starfish as she calls them. If you can't afford $5 then I beg you to pray for her! I beg you to share this blog on her behalf, don't cheat your friends and family out of a blessing! :) I have NEVER met Tammy personally....a friend suggested I check out her page. I urge you to friend her on facebook : Tammy Jenkins, and friend: Heaven House Ministries, and friend: Chiefy Hanock. the Chief loves to chat on facebook and pray for us as well! Tammy and one of her boys Thank you. I will step off my soap box now...and move over to a higher one! :) Now that I have you thinking Globally...let's think locally!

I work at my church's food pantry. Before you click delete...I beg you again to read on. Our little pantry is open 6 days a month. Two years ago when I first volunteered we had 8-10 families a day. NOW we have over 24 any given day. Some days we see 32! I am not begging you for food. I am not begging you for money. I am begging computer savvy chickie-la-las to click a MOUSE! that's it!
would you go to this link:  recycling perks contest
We are now in 12th Place!!!! Please take a second to vote and if you have voted...will you share this link on YOUR page? WE have moved up 17 spots in 2 weeks! We have 9 spots to go and we will be in the running for a piece of the $3,500.00 ...prize!!!! Do you know how much food the Vineyard Church Food Pantry could get with that kind of money? well here is how much:
$500.00= 2,777 pounds of FOOD that's over 5 weeks worth of pantry's
$1000.00= 5,555 pounds of FOOD. that's over 11 weeks worth of food!
$2000.00=11,111 pounds of FOOD. That's over 22 weeks worth of FOOD! WHAT a blessing that would be! Let's VOTE!
yes, you will have to register. however after speaking with several people (including my Mom in Fl) it was simple, quick and easy! one click and you could feed hundreds of people!
The contest ends June 1rst at Midnight! don't delay! Help ME help Hampton Roads! thank you!
OK. Last item of the day:
Adoption....we are adopting. Not this second...we have been approved, gone through classes, home studies etc. NOW we are waiting. We read profiles, we ask 10000 questions. We pray, We pray. And we wait!
many people including ourselves think that adoption is expensive.
ARE YOU aware that the state of VA has a GRANT that makes it FREE. Sure we paid for our fingerprints, background checks etc. seriously that is chump change....under 500 probably!
I am going to give you some stats:
We are talking about over 5000 children sitting in Foster Care right now.
Many are considered special needs. Special needs in Adoption lingo means this:  
A minority. over the age of 4. seriously.
FEW children that we have viewed have been disabled. Literally only 629 of these 5000 have disabilities
Most are 7 and up.
Most do well in school and all of them are SURVIVORS are things many of us could never imagine.
Let's break down that number of 5000 children.
Over 1000 are ages 16-18. At 18 they "age out" of the system. that means they are on their own. NO support system. NO family. Best of luck.
Over 3000 are in Foster Homes. 500 may be in Institutions for behavioural issues.
Over 2700 were removed from their homes for neglect.
Over 400 were relinquished. Yes the parents QUIT.
I believe that if each church in VA had ONE family adopt. guess what. ALL the children in VA would be in homes. Loving homes.
that's a start...but what about including everyone! :) some of my friends are chuckling...I love all my friends....whether you go to church or not!
Guess what! ?
you can be single and adopt!
you can be a one income family and adopt!
you can be ahem...older than me and adopt!
anyone...can ADOPT!
if you have questions I urge you to write your local DSS (Dept of Social Services) and ask for info and classes in your area. We chose Bethany Christian because....they got back to me first! And several friends referred us to them! here is their link: Bethany's web site
Learn more. Ask Questions. Start a revolution...TODAY!
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this! These three causes are near and dear to my heart!
I hope to have a fresh and frugal posting for Monday! just in time for entry on FREE or Low cost Summer Fun!
Have a Blessed Weekend ya'll!


  1. Good work sweetie!! Keep it coming.... I love ya and enjoy this so much. xoxo, Mom

  2. Thanks for sharing. Giving always blesses more than just the one person. Keep up the good work.

  3. Jacqueline, you are very welcome! thanks for stopping by! and your kind words are my blessing today! Have a superb day!

  4. I just wanted to "wave hello". My blog is not public right now, but we are a VA adoptive family with four kiddos from Ethiopia. Feel free to contact me anytime! thesanfordcrew at gmail dot com

    - Kim


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