Looking for God and being surrounded by HIM

I just noticed that my last blog post was sometime in August of 2014.

Wow. Our life has been a whirl wind of loss, joy, more loss and retreating with God. I simply felt surrounded by God today as I took some time to clean out the "treehouse" ---code for room over the garage. I looked out the back window into the woods and was hit by nature flocked in snow and ice.
 My daughter's favorite thing about snow is eating icicles. She had her eye on this big one and would not relent until I had given her that winter treat!
 I caught the sun shining through on this one and realized that God is shining on me in these dark times indeed. I recently suffered a miscarriage and this is the second one within a year. It's nice to know that I can always look to the light to find HIM in all situations.
 Here was the icicle that won my daughter's attention. I had to stand on a stool to reach it. But the smile on her face was worth the dangerous task of getting the prize!

 This made me think of a frozen wave. Sometimes we get battered by the waves trying to get to still waters. Sometimes...God freezes them.
 Here is some icicle art in our daughter's favorite bush out front. She spent most of the day plucking them off and eating them...she mentioned ...they taste like "leaf" :)

 This one reminded me of a hand reaching out to get something! Nature is amazing and I praise God for this week of being snowed in to better appreciate what He has in life for us. Snow Days = Time Outs from God
God Bless.


  1. Well said... beautiful photos and thoughts!! Love, Mom


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