Hurricane Season for Adoptive Parents
Here we are in our third official hurricane season at the Niles household. Well sort of, this is our third summer of being a growing adoptive family. So our not your normal. you would think by now that we would have this drill memorized. However, just like the pains of forget. First read this old post and then we will go Back to the Future Flashback to July 2012 What does our hurricane season look like you ask? Well, let me tell you the necessary components of a perfect storm in our house. new school year, different school, new outpatient therapist, new med check doctor, braces, fun with family, upcoming trip out of town for Mom, upcoming trip out of town for Mom and Dad and then add a bit of PMDD and yep. there ya go . category 5. So if you read the post I linked into the beginning of this one you see both excitement and trepidation that I felt with the thought of adding a new child into our family. A week ago we were...