Cold Feet & Cora's Wisdom

Cold Feet

Two days from now we will meet a child that we have prayed about, talked about and dreamed about. In the summer of 2011, Bryan and I started talking about adoption again. We have always thought it would be a grand thing to adopt ever since the beginning of our marriage. We just never thought we could afford it or even pull it off. Fast forward 16 years and here we are. Home study approved, back ground checks approved, family fingerprinted, shots up to date, fire extinguisher and first aid kits in house :) ! You name it we are ready. But are we?

After much thought we went and interviewed to be considered for a young lady who is 12. We get to meet her on Monday. O my gosh. This is for real. We have been told to show up at 10 am and bring a book that has info about our family , pictures of our house, local school and our church. We will be meeting a human being and she is probably just as scared as we are. However I find myself to be thinking....
  • will she like us?
  • what will we talk about?
  • will my heart just do a flip flop upon seeing her in the flesh

Are we ready to take on a new life, someone who is the true definition of survivor and introduce her to our crazy awesome family and totally surround her with love? YES. YES we are...but we are scared stiff about it! I have done a lot of crazy things in my life. Seriously dangerous stuff, wackadoo stuff and just plain dumb stuff. But this ...this is what I have been preparing for my whole life! And now it's EXAM time. Will I pass?

YES. I have a loving supportive husband, 2 superb, funny and smart young adult children and oh yes, Cora. Here was Cora's input: "We will just love the child for who they are. that's it. Mom. "
She makes it so simple...and a child shall lead them! :) Everything in my body ( and I am sure my husband would agree) screams....don't do this. It will be so much work. Life is relatively calm and wonderful and serene (well as serene as it can be with a wild 5 year old)
BUT...the LORD led us hear. We are standing right on the edge of our own Red Sea...he is about to part it but first he says. Stand Firm. Believe. so we shall.

Cora's Wisdom

Every now and then my daughter will spew forth some of the most intelligent words and I just sit there with my jaw on the ground.

The other day I was shaving my head...yes...shaving my head. I had started with the sides and I was leaving the top because...frankly I was scared!

Me: should I shave it all off?
Cora: yes. do it!
Me: what if it looks awful?
Cora: wear a HAT
so listening to the sound advice of a child that cannot read and falls down a lot...I shaved my head.
pssst. it feels great! just sayin!

We have kept all the children very informed of the adoption process and Cora is very very involved as well. WEll. she is just plain NOSEY!

Here is her list of demands:
  1. no boys- she has her Zac-e already...duh
  2. a medium sized girl (not younger and not of driving age)
  3. a bunk bed
Ain't life easy. for Cora that is? WE will make every effort to appease her demands but have told her that the child we pick is not really picked by us...the child picked is chosen by God. She understands that...she does not mess with God. He's bigger and stronger. She understands that!

Last Cora funny for the day:

Sometimes most Mom's get....I feel overwhelmed and Cora can be a bit exasperating at times...So I will begin to pray...out loud!

Me: Lord...please help me and please place a guard on Cora's mouth so she won't use words like hate or jerk....amen
and honest as I can get I heard a voice down the hall say:

Cora: LORD...please don't listen to my Mom.

we are in a prayer war? seriously. I love this child. she is quick!

Hey ya'll have a safe and happy weekend and please! pray for our little family on Monday... we might enjoy a little growth spurt...if it is what the Big Man upstairs decide!


  1. What an awesome gift - adoption! As an adopted child I praise people like you who are willing to take that plunge, and it isn't easy, and often not pretty. But still - God bless you! Prayers for you and your family today as you take this plunge.

    Marissa @

    1. Marissa, I needed this today as we just came home from out big meeting that was NOT a big meeting. It did not happen at all. I can almost understand why people quit before they start. But we will keep at it. Until it happens. Thank you for your encouraging words!


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