
Showing posts from 2018

Chasing down a red backpack

December 2, 2018 We are running early for church. We NEVER run early. I should have known right then that God was up to something. We gathered our stuff and loaded up the minivan. We decided to stop at our bank before church to make a deposit in the ATM.  That's when I saw him. I was driving towards Great Bridge and he was walking away on the other side. A quick look to the rear view mirror, red back pack. A guy in dirty winter wear , walking in the rain with a red back pack.  Inside my head, I heard the still small voice. Turn around and see what he needs. No, I thought, I need to head to the bank. We got to the bank and Bryan hops out to make the deposit. Here I sit in the driver's seat. Wrestling with God while Cora sits happily unaware in the back seat. God is all over me telling me to double back and find the red back pack.  Bryan hops in the car. I tell him, we are doubling back. God wants me to go find the red back pack guy. Bryan says he did not see him. ...

Why don't you just shout it from the roof tops????

So, I read this great blog called:  Juggling the Jenkins . One day on her facebook page the chick says: Looking for submissions... Submit your story of recovery and I will put it on my facebook page and then in a small book she is putting together from all the stories she receives. Proceeds from the book will go to... So I did it. I sat down and banged out my heart for about 15 minutes. Did a quick spell check and sent that sucker to her. Here is THE STORY!  One day I open up my email and there it is. I'm gonna post up your entry tomorrow. Well, the alcoholic in me is all " yerp, that's right! you are gonna be famous". . . bahahahahahaha The anxiety-ridden side of me is like "yeah dumbo you just told the NATION that you are a drunk! " Then the alcoholic and the anxiety ridden side get in a fight because it's a recovering alchoholic to be exact and I stand back and let them duke it out all the while laughing at myself...which I do  a LOT! So it poste...

I Am, I Can, I Ought, I Will- our dive into home educating with Charlotte Mason

I have been home educating Cora for about 3 years now. I tried unschooling, I tried replicating school at home, I tried Heart of Dakota curriculum. ALL bored her to tears. Then I stumbled upon a book called For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer Macaulay.   In this book, which I annihilated with a highlighter, she speaks of a woman named Charlotte Mason. I remember my first year of homeschooling. I wrote that name down on a list to "research" . That list sat for 2 years. Then I did research. I found a woman who thought that nature study was important. Being out doors was important.  My favorite quote (well , one of many) is:  Never be within doors when you can rightly be without--Charlotte Mason So off I went in search of everything I could find. I went to a large conference in KY. I purchased books, like the Charlotte Mason Companion  and listened to pod casts from A Delectable Education  and quite frankly I fell in love. With short lessons and...