The Blessing's been a while. Life has been hectic and we are getting ready to launch our oldest to AFRICA. He will be volunteering for a year in Malawi at Heaven House Ministries. So my therapist. O therapist! haha! said. Write him a blessing. A blessing? wow. never thought of that. so two weeks ago she said that. Here I am two weeks later and 45 hours before he leaves sobbing over some notebook paper putting my blessin' on paper. I will tell you that she also asked if I had read a book called The Blessing . I urge you to check it out. It's good stuff. By now you all should know that I am pretty transparent. So I am going to share what I wrote with you today. Dear Zac, I have been prompted to write you a blessing. Having known your departure was approaching I have pushed aside writing this day after day. This is not a good bye letter, nor is it meant to be advice. It's simply a Blessing. My blessing letter to you is to let you know that you hav...