Why don't you just shout it from the roof tops????
So, I read this great blog called: Juggling the Jenkins . One day on her facebook page the chick says: Looking for submissions... Submit your story of recovery and I will put it on my facebook page and then in a small book she is putting together from all the stories she receives. Proceeds from the book will go to... So I did it. I sat down and banged out my heart for about 15 minutes. Did a quick spell check and sent that sucker to her. Here is THE STORY! One day I open up my email and there it is. I'm gonna post up your entry tomorrow. Well, the alcoholic in me is all " yerp, that's right! you are gonna be famous". . . bahahahahahaha The anxiety-ridden side of me is like "yeah dumbo you just told the NATION that you are a drunk! " Then the alcoholic and the anxiety ridden side get in a fight because it's a recovering alchoholic to be exact and I stand back and let them duke it out all the while laughing at myself...which I do a LOT! So it poste...