We'll leave the light on for ya....or not.
Church. Open Doors. Lights. Shades. Locks. Words all running thru my mind. Add in Motel 6 and there ya have the title of this blog. I will explain all this hopefully in this quick post. I got hit this morning with the idea of churches being open to all, available and a safe place. Then I thought a little harder, as the coffee kicked in and thought. Am I, as a Christian, open to all, available and a safe place? ouch. Case in point. I have been known to stop for homeless. pets. people. anyone. Give them all I got. The hat off my head. The bible off the seat. You name it. The other day traveling thru Downtown Great Bridge. We saw a man in a white button up shirt and tie walking toward the ATM. As we did our banking , he turned and started back the way he came. When we finished up our drive thru biz...we found him once again walking on this sweltering day. Bryan: let's pick him up. He needs help. Me: NO! we can't put him i...