
Showing posts from January, 2013

Lowering the Bar

OK folks, it has been a while since I last Blogged. Nearly a month. So welcome, Happy New Year and I pray that you all had a great Christmas and were blessed in many ways. Many of you know we are smack dab in the middle of an adoption. We have a 12 year old young lady from VA Foster Care placed in our home and we will adopt her in March 2013. She has waited over 7 years for a forever home. This placement has been awesome, scary, nuts, ridiculous, tiring and super all at once. When accepting a child into your home that comes from a "hard Place" you ask for nothing. You LOWER the Bar- this is the favorite thing I hear at my therapy sessions with a great man who specializes in attachment therapy. What is attachment therapy? well I am so glad you ask.... you see...there is this koala ....just kidding. here is the lowdown:  read that! :) Our dear daughter to be suffered from RAD- which is this: